How do i get my tax information

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How To Get \u0026 Download Your 2021 1099-MISC Tax Forms ?? (Follow These Steps)
Generate Your Crypto Tax Reports for With Tax � Go to Settings > Custom Token > Add Custom Token � Enter a name, symbol, and. The easiest way to get tax documents and reports is to connect App with Coinpanda which will automatically import your transactions. Tax supports over 30 popular exchanges and wallets, allowing users to directly import every crypto transaction made in the past year.
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How To Do Your Crypto Taxes To do your cryptocurrency taxes, you need to calculate your gains, losses, and income from your cryptocurrency investments in your home fiat currency e. No, Crypto. Want to get started filing your Crypto. To do this, we recommend comparing your transaction history on any block explorer with the transactions imported into your Coinpanda account. Coinpanda integrates directly with Crypto.